Modularity is taken for granted as something which has value in software engineering, perhaps without always a well articulated understanding of what it is, and why it is valuable. I came to this realisation when I found myself having in some difficulty attempting to explain why the modularity that Impala brings can be beneficial to a large application. Instinctively, I felt like I had a good understanding, but it's useful to put this understanding into words.
What is modularity?
I googled remarkably few articles dedicated to the subject. The definition in the wikipedia entry was quite good, from which I quote the relevant sections:
"Programs that have many direct interrelationships between any two random parts of the program code are less modular (more tightly coupled) than programs where those relationships occur mainly at well-defined interfaces between modules.
Modules provide a separation between interface and implementation. A module interface expresses the elements that are provided and required by the module. The elements defined in the interface are visible to other modules. The implementation contains the working code that corresponds to the elements declared in the interface."
Modules provide a separation between interface and implementation. A module interface expresses the elements that are provided and required by the module. The elements defined in the interface are visible to other modules. The implementation contains the working code that corresponds to the elements declared in the interface."
Modularity in Impala
This definition fits in very well with how modularity is implemented in Impala. Modules fit into a hierarchy. An Impala module only depends directly on its parent. This means that two modules at the same level have no direct dependencies on each other. Modules communicate with each other through well defined interfaces - specifically Java interfaces defined in a shared parent module.
Child modules dynamically contribute their implementation to a proxy bean defined in a higher level. I'm also planning contributions to a service registry, as is the case with OSGi. The proxies can themselves be dynamically registered, although static wirings of these are necessary to support the traditional named bean style dependency injection.
Why is Modularity Important?
Modularity is a key weapon in reducing with complexity in a large project. In the same way that blocks of functionality within a component should be partitioned into classes according to responsibilities, so should parts of an application be partitioned into modules. Like classes in an OO model, each module should have a well defined - albeit higher level - set of responsibilities. Ideally, these responsibilities should be closely related to each other.
The benefits of modularity, in my view, are as follows:
- by definition, it reduces the unnecessary cross dependencies between code for different parts of a system. This makes code easier to maintain and extend. Impala enforces this kind of modularity because classes at the same level of the module hierarchy are not visible to each other.
- it's easier to specify the constituents of a modular system at a higher level. An Impala application is just a collection of modules. In practical terms, it is much more convenient to specify an Impala application as a small number of modules than as a large number of Spring configuration files.
- it's easier to read and understand a modular system. Each module has a clear and relatively narrowly defined set of functions, which can be more easily documented and explained than in the case of a system which is not modular.
- a dynamic modular system such as Impala also has the advantage that parts of the system can be separately added, upgraded and removed. This is not possible in a system which is not modular.