Apart from a couple of minor features still to be determined, the main focus will be on getting Impala working nicely with Spring 3.1 and Spring 3.2.
Right now, Impala won't run Spring 3.1 because of changes to the ApplicationContext interface, which introduced a getEnvironment() method. The changes to Impala to support this are very small, and will be made in this release. I also plan to use Spring 3.2 as the compile version.
I also intend to introduce changes to make it easier to add module-specific resources to a running application, which can be useful in providing on-the-fly template fixes in production.
Apart from this, I also intend to slim down the project significantly:
- removing features that are no longer necessary, have been superseded, or are no longer supported.
- removing old examples projects that I no longer intend to maintain.